Alternative Tours
Since 2019, we provide alternative tours through Al-Walajah for anyone interested in visiting the village to share the reality of living under Israeli occupation and the violent apartheid policies implemented to fragment and separate the village from the rest of the West Bank. Through our tours, we provide the female perspective and raise the voices of other women in the village.
We provide different kind of tours, depending on the length and topic. See the different types of tours for more information.
The duration of this tour varies according to the visitors’ request. We provide information on the history of the land and nature of the village and we compare it to the current situation to highlight the disturbance of natural life through the occupation policies implemented in Al-Walajah since 1948. During the tour, we move around in cars/buses (depending on the size of the group). While this tour takes us through the main parts of the village, we will make an additional stop at the oldest olive tree in Palestine. We take a short hike to get there and enjoy the nature. This tour takes around 2-3 hours with an optional lunch.
The tour is 60 NIS per person/special price for groups.
One of the most important tours that we provide is the political tour, in which we tackle the current political situation of the village. During the tour we will tackle and visualize different policies implemented by the occupation in the different areas of the village that are under different jurisdictions. We talk about the ongoing Nakba that continues from 1948 until today. During the tour, we will stop to see house demolitions, land confiscations, the Separation Wall and settlement expansion plans. We outline and describe the different legal frameworks under which the Israeli occupation carries out their apartheid policies.
The tour is 60 NIS per person/special prices for groups.
In order to cultivate the fruits of diversity in Palestine, we provide cultural tours for visitors to inform them about Palestine’s intricate cultural heritage. The focus of this tour is connecting people to the heritage of the indigenous people on this land and to highlight the importance of it for Palestinians. During this tour we offer a traditional home cooked Palestinian meal at the cultural center of the village, Ansar Center, where we enjoy an outside view next to the cultural exchange with people from Al-Walajah.
The tour is 60 NIS per person/special prices for groups.